End of an Era
Well, Prodigy finally disappeared. And what a tragedy. I can tell you that i miss the feeling of comradery that existed on that service, perhaps similar to the feeling that Amiga users feel, meeting each other on a bus one day. You just don't get that feeling with Windows, or with AOL, for that matter. I did manage to get quoted in the Village Voice for my efforts, and have established a mini-archive of PC material at my house. One of my friends, for example, wrote:
A little strange, perhaps, but still to the point. The tape he refers to is a series, actually, of recordings of both him and I talking about PC, as well as recordings of PC. In fact, I have a chat log up to the point at which i was kicked off (sorry, no time code), which you can download in zip form here
I can't let it go without something, so I'm going to design a page with the PC fonts, among other things. They can be downloaded in ZIP format here.
The site is hereBTW, ljya75a@prodigy.com still works for those interested in sendind email to a bonafide PC account